260b Clarence Street | London, Ontario
November 30 - January 10, 2020
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 30, 2019 3-5pm
Trevor Baird
Louis Bouvier
Oliver Husain
Colin Miner
Jennifer Murphy
Christine Negus
Organized by Liza Eurich
What does it mean when the multitude gravitates towards a particular thing. What is it about this thing that haunts us, that inserts itself into our imaginative potential, that manifests as a recurrence. How does it speak for us, how does it speak differently or to the same point, or to the same point but in a different tone. This invocation may be out of time or it may be acknowledging a historical lineage; it may be desperate or in dialogue with its contemporary counterparts. In each of these cases the result is similar -- an intermittent murmur, one that gestures towards something that is now or again poignant; a marker that illuminates and questions.
The exhibition “Casing” focuses on the motif of the shell. Fragile, small, variable, symmetrical, pearlescent, a home, a husk, a tool, a currency, a resource, a listening device, a sounding mechanism, of nature, of decoration, of scientific classification or archeological relic. Often associated with fertility, erotiscism, death, reincarnation, divination and mysticism; or in the instance of the nautilus shell’s geometric spiral, an organizational principle, a mathematical structure or compositional arrangement that connotes precision and perfection.
Volume Nine