The More I Look At These Images Group Exhibition at 8eleven Gallery
Christina Battle, Jennifer Murphy, Zinnia Naqvi, Celia Perrin Sidarous
Subtle, beautiful, alluring, but also abrasive, grotesque, and direct, the works in The More I Look At These Images play with the various ways in which documentary and natural photography can be deployed. The show highlights that these types of images are never really anchored in the realities they depict. In doing so, it urges us to inquire about the technical and conceptual ways in which photographic works are constructed. Drawing upon still-life and landscape traditions, images are arranged, pastiched, collaged, assembled. The artists in this exhibition manipulate images and create mise-en-scenes to make new works that draw out the ease with which we can be seduced by a picture. There are also feminist tactics at work here: playfulness, reappropriation, and various techniques of assemblage are used to investigate notions of the beautiful, of the fantastical, of the future. Cohered together for the first time at 8eleven, the works play off of each other. The More I Look At These Images aims to draw out the potent political poignancy of contemporary image making.